姓    名: 罗忠奎
学    历: 博士
职    务:
职    称: 研究员
部    门: 农业遥感与信息技术应用研究所
导    师: 博导
电子邮箱: luozk@zju.edu.cn
2020 (*,通讯作者)
J Zhang, Y Zhang*, J Song*, L Cheng, PK Paul, R Gan, X Shi, Z Luo, P Zhao. Large-scale baseflow index prediction using hydrological modelling, linear and multilevel regression approaches. Journal of Hydrology, 585, 124780.
Z Luo*, X Guo, OJ Sun. No solid evidence of soil carbon loss under warming in tropical forests along a 3000 m elevation gradient. BioRxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.10.941310
J Li, Z Luo, Y Wang, H Li, H Xing, L Wang, E Wang, H Xu, C Gao, T Ren. Optimizing Nitrogen and Residue Management to Reduce GHG Emissions while Maintaining Crop Yield: A Case Study in a Mono-Cropping System of Northeast China. Sustaintability, 11(18):5015.
Z Luo, G Wang, E Wang. Global subsoil organic carbon turnover times dominantly controlled by soil properties rather than climate. Nature Communications, 10:3688.
M Sevenster, Z Luo, S Eady, T Grant. Including long-term soil organic carbon changes in life cycle assessment of agricultural products. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, https:/doi.org/10.1007/s11367-019-01660-4.
RA Viscarra Rossel, J Lee, T Behrens, Z Luo, J Baldock, A Richards. Continental-scale soil carbon composition and vulnerability modulated by regional environmental controls. Nature Geosciences, 12, 547–552.
Y Liu, Z Luo. Neighbouring crop diversity mediates the effect of Bt cotton on insect community and leaf damage in fields. Transgenic Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11248-019-00155-0
Z Luo, Sandra Eady, Bharat Sharma, Timothy Grant, De Li Liu, Annette Cowie, Ryan Farquharson, Aaron Simmons, Debbie Crawford, Ross Searle, Andrew Moore. Mapping future soil carbon change and its uncertainty in croplands using simple surrogates of a complex farming system model. Geoderma, 337, 311-321.
Wang, G., Luo, Z., Wang, E., Zhang, W., 2018. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining yield in the croplands of Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 260, 80-94.
Junyi Liang, Zhenghu Zhou, Changfu Huo, Zheng Shi, James R Cole, Lei Huang, Konstantinos T Konstantinidis, Xiaoming Li, Bo Liu, Zhongkui Luo, C Ryan Penton, Edward AG Schuur, James M Tiedje, Ying-Ping Wang, Liyou Wu, Jianyang Xia, Jizhong Zhou, Yiqi Luo. More replenishment than priming loss of soil organic carbon with additional carbon input. Nature Communications, 9(1), 3175.
Tang, Z., Sun, X., Luo, Z., He, N., Sun, O.J., 2018. Effects of temperature, soil substrate, and microbial community on carbon mineralization across three climatically contrasting forest sites. Ecology & Evolution, 8, 879-891.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Feng, W., Luo, Y., Baldock, J., 2018. The importance and requirement of belowground carbon inputs for robust estimation of soil organic carbon dynamics: Reply to Keel et al. (2017). Global Change Biology, 23, e397-e398.
Z Luo, J Baldock, E Wang, 2017. Modelling the dynamic physical protection of soil organic carbon: insights into carbon predictions and explanation of the priming effect. Global Change Biology 23 (12), 5273-5283.
Z Luo, W Feng, Y Luo, J Baldock, E Wang, 2017. Soil organic carbon dynamics jointly controlled by climate, carbon inputs, soil properties and soil carbon fractions. Global Change Biology 23 (10), 4430-4439.
Z Luo, E Wang, OJ Sun, 2017. Uncertain future soil carbon dynamics under global change predicted by models constrained by total carbon measurements. Ecological Applications 27 (3), 1001-1009.
Z Luo, E Wang, H Xing, C Smith, G Wang, H Cresswell, 2017. Opportunities for enhancing yield and soil carbon sequestration while reducing N2O emissions in rainfed cropping systems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232, 400-410.
D He, E Wang, J Wang, J Lilley, Z Luo, X Pan, Z Pan, N Yang, 2017. Uncertainty in canola phenology modelling induced by cultivar parameterization and its impact on simulated yield. Agricultural and forest meteorology 232, 163-175.
Z Luo, E Wang, OJ Sun, 2016. A meta-analysis of the temporal dynamics of priming soil carbon decomposition by fresh carbon inputs across ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 101, 96-103.
H Zhang, E Wang, D Zhou, Z Luo, Z Zhang, 2016. Rising soil temperature in China and its potential ecological impact. Scientific reports 6, 35530.
X Pan, Z Luo, Y Liu, 2016. Environmental deterioration of farmlands caused by the irrational use of agricultural technologies. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 10 (4), 18.
Z Luo, E Wang, Q Shao, MK Conyers, D Li Liu, 2016. Confidence in soil carbon predictions undermined by the uncertainties in observations and model parameterisation. Environmental Modelling & Software 80, 26-32.
Wang, G., Luo, Z., Han, P., Chen, H., Xu, J., 2016. Critical carbon input to maintain current soil organic carbon stocks in global wheat systems. Scientific Reports, 6, 19327.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Viscarra Rossel, R., 2016. Can the sequestered carbon in agricultural soil be maintained with changes in management, temperature and rainfall? A sensitivity assessment. Geoderma, 268, 22-28.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Smith, C., 2015 Fresh carbon input differentially impacts soil carbon decomposition across natural and managed systems. Ecology, 96, 2806-2813.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Baldock, J., Zheng, H., Shao, Q., 2015. Convergent modelling of past soil organic carbon but divergent projection. Biogeosciences, 12, 4373-4383.
Zhao, G., Bryan, B.A., King, D., Luo, Z., Wang, E., Yu, Q., 2015. Sustainable limits to crop residue harvest for bioenergy: maintaining soil carbon in Australia’s agricultural lands. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 7, 479-487.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Baldock, J., Xing, H., 2014. Potential soil organic carbon stock and its uncertainty under various cropping systems in Australian cropland. Soil Research, 52, 463-475.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Fillery, I., MacDonald, L., Huth, N., 2014. Modelling soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics using measurable and conceptual soil organic matter pools in APSIM. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 186, 94-104.
Luo, Z., Wang, E.W., Bryan, B., King, D., Zhao, G., Pan, X., Bende-Michl, U., 2013. Meta-modeling soil organic carbon sequestration potential and its application at regional scale. Ecological Applications 23, 408-420.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Sun, O.J., Smith, C.J., Probert, M.E., 2011. Modeling long-term soil carbon dynamics and sequestration potential in semi-arid agro-ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151, 1529-1544.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Sun, O.J., 2010. Can no-tillage stimulate carbon sequestration in agricultural soils? A meta-analysis of paired experiments. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139, 224-231.
Luo, Z., Wang, E., Sun, O.J., 2010. Soil carbon change and its responses to agricultural practices in Australian agro-ecosystems: A review and synthesis. Geoderma 155, 211-223.
Wang, G., Luo, Z., Wang, E., Huang, Y., Liu, J., 2013. Contrasting Effects of Agricultural Management on Soil Organic Carbon Balance in Different Agricultural Regions in China. Pedosphere 23, 717-728.
Zhao, G., Bryan, B.A., King, D., Luo, Z., Wang, E., Song, X., Yu, Q., 2013. Impact of agricultural management practices on soil organic carbon: simulation of Australian wheat systems. Globle Change Biology 19, 1585-1597.
Zhou, Z., Zhang, Z., Zha, T., Luo, Z., Zheng, J., Sun, O.J., 2013. Predicting soil respiration using carbon stock in roots, litter and soil organic matter in forests of Loess Plateau in China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 135-143.
Jin, H.-M., Sun, O.J., Luo, Z., Liu, J., 2009. Dynamics of soil respiration in sparse Ulmus pumila woodland under semi-arid climate. Ecological Research 24, 731-739.
Luo, Z., Sun, O.J., Wang, E., Ren, H., Xu, H., 2010. Modeling Productivity in Mangrove Forests as Impacted by Effective Soil Water Availability and Its Sensitivity to Climate Change Using Biome-BGC. Ecosystems 13, 949-965.
Luo, Z., Sun, O.J., Xu, H., 2010. A comparison of species composition and stand structure between planted and natural mangrove forests in Shenzhen Bay, South China. Journal of Plant Ecology 3, 165-174.
Luo, Z., Huang, J., Sun, O., 2007. On ecological functions and conservation of mangrove forest. Journal of Subtropical Resource and Environment 2, 3-47.
Luo, Z., Sun, O.J., Ge, Q., Xu, W., Zheng, J., 2007. Phenological responses of plants to climate change in an urban environment. Ecological Research 22, 507-514.
Wang, E., Bell, M., Luo, Z., Moody, P., Probert, M.E., 2013. Modelling crop response to phosphorus inputs and phosphorus use efficiency in a crop rotation. Field Crops Research 155, 120-132.
Chen, X., Luo, Z., Pan, X., 2013. Natural Disasters in China: 1900-2011. Natural Hazards 69, 1597-1605.
Ridoutt, B.G., Wang, E., Sanguansri, P., Luo, Z., 2013. Life cycle assessment of phosphorus use efficient wheat grown in Australia. Agricultural Systems 120, 2-9.
Wang, E., Ridoutt, B.G., Luo, Z., Probert, M.E., 2013. Using systems modelling to explore the potential for root exudates to increase phosphorus use efficiency in cereal crops. Environmental Modelling & Software 46, 50-60.
Chen, L., Zeng, X., Tam, N.F., Lu, W., Luo, Z., Du, X., Wang, J., 2012. Comparing carbon sequestration and stand structure of monoculture and mixed mangrove plantations of Sonneratia caseolaris and S. apetala in Southern China. Forest Ecology and Management 284, 222-229.
Zhao, G., Bryan, B.A., King, D., Luo, Z., Wang, E., Bende-Michl, U., Song, X., Yu, Q., 2012. Large-scale, high-resolution agricultural systems modeling using a hybrid approach combining grid computing and parallel processing. Environmental Modelling & Software 41, 231-238.
Pan, X., Zhang, J., Luo, Z., Mao, L., Jin, H., Guo, L., Bi, X., Zhao, Y., 2011. Natural wetland in China. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 5, 45-55.
Zhou, Z., Sun, O.J., Luo, Z., Jin, H., Chen, Q., Han, X., 2008. Variation in small-scale spatial heterogeneity of soil properties and vegetation with different land use in semiarid grassland ecosystem. Plant Soil 310, 103-112.
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